Rottweiler is probably descended from the Italian Mastiff, which accompanied the herds that the Romans brought with them when they invaded Europe.
Pure Rottweiler During the Middle Ages, it was used as a herder, as a guard, messenger dog, draught dog and for police work. It was bred in the German town of Rottweiler in Wurttemberg.
In Germany on January 13, 1907, the DRK (Deutscher Rottweiler-Klub (German Rottweiler Club)) was established. Shortly after on April 27, 1907, the SDRK (Süddeutscher Rottweiler-Klub (South German Rottweiler Club)) was formed, which later became the IRK (International Rottweiler Club). The Rottweiler standard was then set. The breed was first recognized by the AKC in 1931. Some of the Rottweiler's talents include: tracking, herding, watchdog, guarding, search and rescue, guide dogs for the blind, police work, carting, competitive obedience and Schutzhund.
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