Once you've brought your new Rottweiler puppy home, you can help him have a long, healthy life by following these guidelines....
1) Make sure he gets his puppy vaccinations on time and that he completes the full set of required shots, plus any 'optional' ones that are recommended for the area you live in.
2) Keep him free of canine parasites such as worms, fleas, ticks and more
3) Feed him a premium, properly balanced puppy food (see Feeding Puppies and Best Puppy Food Recommendations for advice)
5) Give him the right amount of exercise and rest
6) You can do a lot to help increase Rottweiler life expectancy by maintaining regular veterinary check ups, vaccinations and deworming. Also, get help quicky if you are concerned about your Rottie's health at any time. Prompt treatment can eliminate or reduce the progress of any condition and saves discomfort, worry and money.
7) I recommend getting your Rottweiler pup enrolled in a dog health insurance plan while he's young and in good condition. It will save you a LOT of money should your Rottie develop a serious health condition or be involved in an accident. It also can quite easily save your pet's life!
8) Neutering or spaying your pup can help reduce the incidence of reproductive order cancers and other problems, therefor increasing Rottweiler life span. However, it seems that early spaying/neutering (prior to one year of age) may increase the risk for certain bone cancers (see this report for more information and explanation). (Whether this possibly increased risk is balanced out by the decreased risk of reproductive organ cancers I'm not sure but it's something that I will be continuing to study so that I can give you the
best information possible) One other interesting point is that overall female dogs tend to live just a little bit longer than males.
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