Sunday, September 27, 2015

Rottweiler Growing Up

Watch Rottweiler grow from 2 months old to 4 months to 6 months to 8 months to a year.

The pictures are taken in the same spot for over a year.


He now uses this place as his look out point and loves to watch the people walk by.

Rottweiler first year growing up

Monday, September 21, 2015

Dog Breeds - Most Powerful Bites

Do you know which dog has most powerful bite in the World? The bite force of a dog is measured in PSI (pounds per square inch).
1.Kangal - Bite force 743

2.Mastiff - Bite force 556

3.Rottweiler - Bite force 328
4.American Bulldog - Bite force 305

 5.German Shepherd - Bite force 238

6.Pit Bull - Bite force - 235

watch also:

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Rottweiler and Children...

Funny video of the Rottweiler named Roxy and a baby playing with plastic bottle, this video shows the best nature of Rottweilers, they are very good with children if trained well.

They must be taught, however, what is acceptable behavior with children.

 Rottweilers have a natural instinct to herd and may bump children to herd them.


In addition, some Rottweilers have a strong prey drive and may get overly excited when children run and play. However you should always supervise your Rottweiler when he's around children.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Rottweiler Shaming Messages

Rottweilers make a lot of 'mistakes' sometimes. Here are some pictures of adorable Rottweilers with shaming messages.

1. I have 9 acres but...

2. Peed on a child's sandcastle....

3.  I eat mud....

4.  To be fair the bowl already.....

5. I stole a whole bag of.....
6.I'm afraid of noises....

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Most Powerful Dog Breeds In The World

Do you know which are the most powerful dog breeds in the World? 

150-240 pounds Height: 28-30 inches Life span: 6-7 years

2.Great Dane
Weight: 120-200 pounds Height: 28-34 inches Life span: 6-8 years

3.Saint Bernard

Weight: 150-270 pounds Height: 28-26 inches Life span: 8-10 years

Weight: 110-130 pounds Height: 24-27 inches for males, up to 22-25 inches for females Life span: 8-10 years

Up to 180 pounds Height: Up to 28 inches for males, up to 26 inches for females Life span: 10-11 years

6.Pit Bull
40-60 pounds for males, 30-50 pounds for females Height: Up to 21 inches for males, up to 20 inches for females Life span: 9-15 years

Friday, September 11, 2015

Rottweiler Home Protection Test (VIDEO)

Capone the  Rottweiler was doing some Home Protection Alarm Test around the backyard. 

The Rottweiler breed is well know for their protection skills and is consider a guard dog. 


The Rottweiler will do anything to protect a member of the pack and that mean even if his life is on the line. 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Everything about Rottweiler (Part 1 & Part 2)

This is a documentary about the dog breed - Rottweiler

scinating facts about Rottweilers in this documentary will forever change the image of this noble breed.

Rottweiler facts and info, learn everything about their origin, temperament, working style, health, size, etc...

Part 1

Part 2

more parts coming soon... 

Monday, September 7, 2015

Reasons Why Rottweiler is the "worst"

Read the whole article before judging... And tell us in the comment box if you think too that these reasons make Rottweieler the "worst", they are terrible, who wants a dog that kisses you, plays with you...

They’ll look so much better than you in a hat and you don’t need that in your life

They are horrible at sharing the bed.
They hate hugs so much
Their smiles are VERY VERY SCARY !

They’re absolutely terrible at snuggling.
They pick flowers for you, that isn't good... who needs that kind of romance ?
They're not cute as puppies, not even close...

Sunday, September 6, 2015

The breed standard on the Rottweiler color !!

The breed standard on the Rottweiler color: 

'Always black with rust to mahogany markings. The demarcation between black and rust must be clearly defined. 

The markings should be located as follows: 
- a spot over each eye; 
- on cheeks; 
- as a strip around each side of muzzle, but not on the bridge of the nose; 
- on throat; 
- triangular mark on both sides of prosternum;
- on forelegs from carpus downward to the toes; 

- on inside of rear legs showing down the front of the stifle and broadening out to front of rear legs from hock to toes, but not completely eliminating black from rear of pasterns; un-der tail; & black penciling on toes. 

The undercoat is gray, tan, or black. Quantity and location of rust markings is very important and should not exceed ten percent of the dogs body color. 

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Rottweiler origin

Rottweiler is probably descended from the Italian Mastiff, which accompanied the herds that the Romans brought with them when they invaded Europe.
Pure Rottweiler During the Middle Ages, it was used as a herder, as a guard, messenger dog, draught dog and for police work. It was bred in the German town of Rottweiler in Wurttemberg.

Practically extinct in the 1800s, the breed population began a comeback in the early twentieth century due to the efforts of enthusiastic breeders centered in Stuttgart.

 In Germany on January 13, 1907, the DRK (Deutscher Rottweiler-Klub (German Rottweiler Club)) was established. Shortly after on April 27, 1907, the SDRK (Süddeutscher Rottweiler-Klub (South German Rottweiler Club)) was formed, which later became the IRK (International Rottweiler Club). The Rottweiler standard was then set. The breed was first recognized by the AKC in 1931. Some of the Rottweiler's talents include: tracking, herding, watchdog, guarding, search and rescue, guide dogs for the blind, police work, carting, competitive obedience and Schutzhund.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Help your Rottweiler to live longer

Once you've brought your new Rottweiler puppy home, you can help him have a long, healthy life by following these guidelines.... 

1) Make sure he gets his puppy vaccinations on time and that he completes the full set of required shots, plus any 'optional' ones that are recommended for the area you live in.

Keep him free of canine parasites such as worms, fleas, ticks and more 

3) Feed him a premium, properly balanced puppy food (see Feeding Puppies and Best Puppy Food Recommendations for advice)

4) Keep your growing pup/dog 'lean' and continue this into adulthood.Carrying excess weight puts undue strain on the heart and other major organs as well as predisposing your Rottweiler to other health problems such as diabetes.Rottweilers were not bred to be 'giant' or 'XL' dogs, and overfeeding your pup won't make him bigger and stronger. Instead it will simply make him fatter and weaker!  In fact a 14-year study conducted by Nestle Purina PetCare Study (although not specific to Rottweilers) found that leaner dogs live on average 2 years longer than their overweight counterparts. 

5) Give him the right amount of exercise and rest 

6) You can do a lot to help increase Rottweiler life expectancy by maintaining regular veterinary check ups, vaccinations and deworming. Also, get help quicky if you are concerned about your Rottie's health at any time. Prompt treatment can eliminate or reduce the progress of any condition and saves discomfort, worry and money. 

 I recommend getting your Rottweiler pup enrolled in a dog health insurance plan while he's young and in good condition. It will save you a LOT of money should your Rottie develop a serious health condition or be involved in an accident. It also can quite easily save your pet's life! 

8) Neutering or spaying your pup can help reduce the incidence of reproductive order cancers and other problems, therefor increasing Rottweiler life span. However, it seems that early spaying/neutering (prior to one year of age) may increase the risk for certain bone cancers (see this report for more information and explanation).  (Whether this possibly increased risk is balanced out by the decreased risk of reproductive organ cancers I'm not sure but it's something that I will be continuing to study so that I can give you the
best information possible)  One other interesting point is that overall female dogs tend to live just a little bit longer than males.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Rottweiler's working style

According to the American Kennel Club Rottweilers have a natural gathering style with a strong desire to control. They generally show a loose-eye and have a great amount of force while working well off the stock. They make much use of their ability to intimidate.

The Rottweiler often carries the head on an even plane with the back or carries the head up but with the neck and shoulders lowered. Some females lower the entire front end slightly when using their eyes. Males also do this when working far off the stock in an open field. This is rarely seen in males when working in confined spaces such as stock yards.

The Rottweiler has a reasonably good natural balance, force-barks when necessary, and when working cattle uses a very intimidating charge. There is a natural change in forcefulness when herding sheep. When working cattle it may use its body and shoulders and for this reason should be used on horned stock with caution.

The Rottweiler, when working cattle, searches out the dominant animal and challenges it. Upon proving its control over that animal it settles back and tends to its work. Some growers have found that Rottweilers are especially suited to move stubborn stock that simply ignore Border Collies, Kelpies, and others.

Rottweilers use their bodies to physically force the stubborn animal to do its bidding if necessary. When working with sheep the Rottweiler shows a gathering/fetching style and reams directions easily. It drives sheep with ease. In some cases Rottweilers have begun herding cattle without any experience at all.

If worked on the same stock for any length of time the Rottweiler tends to develop a bond with the stock and will become quite affectionate with them as long as they do as it directs.
The Rottweiler is also exceptionally suited for and is commonly used in the dog sport.

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