Thursday, December 7, 2017

Rottweiler gives birth to one of Britain’s biggest ever litters after having 15 puppies !!!

A Rottweiler dog has given birth to one of Great Britan's biggest litters ever after having 15 puppies.

Owner Eleanor Usher, 47, had only expected two-year-old pet Jessie to have five pups, but was left very surprised when the dog's litter was three times bigger.
This is now Britain's second largest litter of puppies, after another Rottweiler had 18 puppies, a couple of years ago.

Mrs Usher said: 'They are absolutely adorable, it makes me smile every time that I see them.

'They've all grown a bit, and are starting to get their own distinctive personalities.

'The problem with Rottweiler pups is that they fight with one another - so there is lots of growling and noise down there during the day.

'They are starting to get their vocal cords, so the house has been a very noisy place over the last few weeks.

'Ian (Mrs Usher's husband) and I have a rota drawn up to feed the pups throughout the day and night. It's exhausting but worth it to see them.

'It's going to be very hard to see them go, but each of them will be going to a really good home.

'After the sixth puppy, I was saying: 'That's a good girl, you can stop now, you don't have to do anymore'.

'But they just kept coming and coming. We didn't even need to do anything to assist her, they were all just coming out without any need for help. She made it so easy for us.
'We just thought: 'Oh my god, when is she going to stop?'

'After the 11th, we started to look into records, and discovered that the highest in the UK was 18, and the second highest was 13.

'The way that Jessie was going, and the speed at which they were coming out of her, we were fearing that it would get as high as 20. Thankfully it was all over by about 8.00am.

'The 15th was smaller than the rest of them, and had a white mouth instead of a pink one, which was bit out of the ordinary.

'We were a bit worried about her and kept a close eye on her, but she is fine now.
'I bought a load of formula so that I could feed the puppies, but I've wasn't able too for the first few weeks because Jessie was so protective of them. She's got that natural motherly instinct.'/

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Most Famous Myths About Dogs

1.Dogs can see only black and white?.- recent studies suggest that Dogs actually do have some color vision but it's not as bright as a human's. Dogs can distinguish blue, yellow and gray colors. They can’t discern red and green, but they can distinguish shades of gray, what allows them to see in the dark and dusk.

2.Dogs eat grass only if they’re sick?.-
 Dogs will sometimes eat grass if they aren’t feeling well to induce vomiting. However, more often than not, dogs just like to eat grass. Dog ancestors used to feed on grass which is likely where their taste for greens came from.

3.Dogs Age Seven Years for Every Human Year?.- 
Saying that a 1 year old dog is 7 in dog years doesn't make sense when you consider that dogs can reproduce well before one year of age.

4.Dog mouths are cleaner than human mouths?.-  according to scientists, dogs have just as much bacteria in their mouths as a humans, but of different varieties.

5.Wagging tail is a sign of a happy dog?.- This is not always true, tail wagging can also be a sign of fear, anxiety or impending aggression.

6.Dogs should eat bones?.- It’s believed that eating bones dogs will get a lot of vitamin D and calcium, but in fact bones can injure intestines and cause bleeding, inflammation and severe constipation.

7.Dogs hate cats?.-  this myth is false and easy to disprove. Cats have a tendency to run, dogs have a prey drive and they chase smaller things that run.

8.A little chocolate won’t hurt my dog?.- Chocolate can be toxic and life-threatening to dogs. As little as 1 ounce of dark chocolate may be enough to kill a small dog.

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Rottweiler's Health

Rottweilers dogs are relatively healthy, and relatively disease-free dogs. As in most of large dog breeds, hip dysplasia can be a big problem.Various Rottweiler breed clubs have had x-ray testing regimes in place for many years.

Osteochondritis Dissecans, is a condition that affects the shoulder joints, it can be a problem due to the breed's rapid growth rate. 

A reputable breeder will have the hips and elbows of all breeding stock x-rayed and read by a recognised specialist, and will have paperwork to prove it.

They should also have certificates that their breeding animals do not have entropion or ectropion and that they have complete dentition with a scissor bite.

Another possible problem might be obesity, t
he best way to prevent obesity in dogs is keeping them active with excercises and to keep a good feeding schedule, do not ever over-feed your dog.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Heartbreaking Crying Rottweiler Grieves For Dead Brother

Brutus the Rottweiler grieves over the lifeless body of his dead brother Hank 
A heartbreaking video has emerged of a Rottweiler appearing to grieve over the body of his dead brother.
Brett Bennett from Washington State said his dog Brutus started 'crying' after learning that his sibling Hank had passed away during the night.

Indeed, video footage shows the pooch sad with watery eyes as he lies on top of his brother's lifeless torso. Bennett attempts to comfort Brutus with some loving strokes. The latest photograph uploaded online shows Hank lying on a beach in happier times.
Bennett said that the deceased pet was 'larger than life' and 'extraordinary'.He added: '[Hank] was a protector of my family and a great brother to Brutus. Hank will be missed and never forgotten.Hank passed away on January 20 in his sleep. After being examined by vets he was determined to be approximately ten years old.


Wednesday, June 28, 2017

How To Keep Your Dog Cool And Safe In Hot Weather

How To Keep Your Rottweiler Cool And Safe In Hot Weather
It’s summertime and the weather is very hot,sometimes too hot and dangerous for our dogs.When the temperature rises, we need to take extra caution to make sure our dogs are okey. To prevent your dog from overheating, you should follow these tips:
1. Only walk your dog early in the morning or late at night.

2.Use the hosepipe. It’s fun for your dog and, more importantly, keeps them cool.
3.Offer an ice pack or wet towel to lay on.

4.Find some shade.

5.Don't leave your dog alone in the car on a warm day.

6.Make sure that whenever you leave home, you always carry water for your dog.

7.Use dog boots

8.Take them somewhere they can swim.

9.Give your dog frozen treats!
10.Check on your dog often.

Friday, June 9, 2017

Scared Stray Rottweiler Rescued From The Streets

It’s a sad fact that we have hundred of millions of homeless dogs around the world. Some of them end up in shelters, but most do not. In fact, homeless dogs are often the target of abuse. Thankfully there are some people that try to make a small difference when they can.

This story is especially incredible due to the two months of dedication of this man for a stray Rottweiler in the streets, all so he could help get him to a vet and heal him. This story should be used to raise awareness for the blight of stray animals. Please share this video and dog's story on facebook and other social medias.
Hand feeding scared stray rottweiler dog that needs medical attention. (VIDEO)

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

6 Things To Do When Your Dog Is Stressed

6  Things To Do When Your Dog Is Stressed
If you know the signs that your dog is stressed, anxious or fearful of something, you need to do something about it. Knowing how to react in these situations is key to helping your dog overcome his anxiety or fear. Here are a few things you can try to help calm your dog.

1.Recognize the body language of an anxious dog.
Dogs body language is can often be misread. Some common signs of stressed dog are: Hunched body posture, ears held down or slightly backwards. furrowed brow, whining, shaking/shivering, sweaty paws etc.

2.Identify what your dog wants.- that’s the reward. Depending on the situation, the dog may want to go out, 
food, your attention, playtime with another dog or a toy.

3.Train Him.- The only way to help your dog is to use training to overcome his fears. There are many ways of doing this and what technique you use will depend on the trigger, your dog and you, choose the method that works best for the situation.

4.Distract your dog.-
 You should give your dog something else to focus on, something positive and productive.

5.Use medication where needed.- If your dog is seriously affected, your vet will be able to prescribe medication that may help.

6.Organize play sessions with other dogs. One of the best ways to drain energy from a stressed dog, is to organize play sessions with other dogs.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

How To Teach Your Dog To Come When Called

Teaching your dog to come to you when you call him is one of the most important lesson you can teach him, also can be a difficult challenge that many dog owners accidentally mess up. Often called a "recall," coming when called is one of the most important basic dog commands you can teach your dog. Training your dog the recall comand can help you to keep your dog under control while allowing him some off-leash freedom. If your dog doesn’t respond to your comand, try these tricks to get him to come when called.

1.Hold up a treat, then say his name followed by “come” in a clear, excited tone.

2.Never use the recall command with an angry or frustrated tone in your voice.

3.As soon as your dog comes to you, give him the reward, then praise him.

4.Disappear.- If your dog didn’t respond to that Come comand, find a place to hide. A  tree, inside the house or anywhere your dog can’t see you will work.

5.Avoid calling your dog to you when you know he’s unlikely to comply.
If he’s playing with another dog, running to greet a friend he’s not going to come running when called.

6.Don’t Call Your Dog For Something He Hates.- if you call your dog to you every time you need to do something he hates such as a bath, nail trim, etc., he will associate coming when called with negative things and not want to come to you

Friday, April 14, 2017

Rottweiler Puppy Growth From 5 Weeks To 5 Months

Rottweiler Puppy Growth
If you're a new Rottweiler owner, it's important to know that this is a large, slow-growing breed, and your Rottie won't be considered 'mature' or fully grown until he (or she) is at least 18 months to 2 years old. The final weight of these dogs is 85 to 120 pounds. The fastest growth stage is from birth to 8 months, the rest of the first year, growth will be a bit slower.

This is a video that shows a Rottweiler puppy named Kilo growing so fast from 5 weeks old to 5 months. Watch this compilation of videos and see how Kilo has grown from 5 weeks, to 5 months, Hope you like it and if you do, hit the Like button and share!

Monday, February 20, 2017

Rottweiler adopts kittens that were left to die in the street !

Rottweiler adopts kittensA Rottweiler dog adopted three abandoned kittens that were left to die in the street.

The trio were found dumped in the streets in New Zealand last week and taken to the vets, asking for someone to take them on.

Chelles McIntosh responded to the call for help and found her dog Bear was fascinated with the tiny bundles of fur.

The rottweiler liked to lick two-week-old Inky, Pinky and Ponky clean every time they had finished a feed of milk formula.

"He just has such a kind, loving nature about him." the dog owner said.
"He comes and finds me when they are crying. It's just him being a typical Rottweiler that hasn't been raised to be aggressive ... and would be a wonderful mother except he doesn't have the right bits." she said.

Once they were weaned off the bottle Inky, Pinky and Ponky would return to the vet clinic where a search for a new homes would begin, Ms Bason said./

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Why Dogs Shouldn't Eat Chocolate?

Rottweiler Chocolate
Chocolate is one of the most common foods that is bad for dogs. Chocolate contains caffeine and theobromine which fall under the methylxanthines category.
Theobromine is in the same family as caffeine and is a type of stimulant, theobromine stimulates the central nervous system, heart muscle and causes a slightly increases blood pressure. Signs of chocolate toxicity include diarrhea, vomiting, excitability, seizures, and death.

The amount of theobromine in chocolate it varies, because of so many different types of chocolates out there. Darker chocolate is more pure and dangerous for a dog to consume than a milk chocolate can be. A single piece doesn't contain a large enough theobromine dosage to harm your dog, but if you have a small dog that has eaten a box of chocolates, call immediately the clinic for professional assistance.

However, chocolate isn't the only food your dog should avoid. Read 'Peoples food that are dangerous for dogs' and be sure that your dog will never get access to these foods.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Rottweiler Reaction To Bear - Test

Rottweiler bearHave you ever wondered how would Rottweilers react if they ever faced bears ? This video can give you an idea...

This video uploaded to Youtube by a Rottweiler owner shows the reaction of a Rottweiler dog towards a fake bear.

The uploader explained: "There is a tiny chance to meet bears for us so this was a great way to see what happends. There was some straws from a bears winter nest on the groung, bear fur and bear poop so scent was as real as it gets for the dog."

In the video you can see the dog as he approaches the bear as soon as he sees it, and then comes back and stands in front of the owner in a protective way.
"The bear guy said that i don't have to worry about bear attacks when i have my rottie with me , the way he acted would scare the bear away." the owner added.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Woman Finds a Lost Rottweiler On The Highway. But The TRUTH She Reveals Next is Terrifying !!

Lost Rottweiler On The Highway
Kathy Wilkes-Myers has been rescuing stray animals for years now. One day while she was walking along the highway, Kathy noticed a emaciated Rottweiler. Rottweiler named Ella was completely different from other dogs. She was curious about this dog and wanted to know more about her.

"I could just tell right away she was somebody's baby. She just didn't act like a stray dog to me,"
said Kathy Wilkes-Myers.

Kathy found a pile of wrecked personal items on the highway, then she remembered there had been a car accident at that place sometime back. Ella was thrown from the car during the accident. The rescue team didn’t see her and she spent 13 days waiting for her family to return. The family survived from accident and they thought Ella was dead. Thanks to Kathy’s efforts, Ella has found her family./CBS/.
Full story:

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Hercules - The Rottweiler Saves His Owner From An Attacker.

Hercules - The Rottweiler
The Woodland, Texas (USA) - Catalina Humphrey was walking the 10 month old Rottweiler puppy Hercules on the popular Sawmill trail in the Grogan's Mill community around 4 p.m. when suddenly a man crept up from behind and grabbed her shoulder.

“I didn’t have a purse on me. I just had my workout gear on,” Humphrey said. 

“I didn’t have something that would draw me out for him to want to attack me like that. I don’t know what his intent was, but I know it wasn’t good.”

She was surprised when even at just a few months old, Hercules didn’t hesitate to protect her when the strange man appeared out of nowhere and forcefully grabbed her from behind.

The pup reacted so quickly that neither the man nor Humphrey knew what was happening. Hercules immediately attacked the man, biting him over and over again, until he managed to get up and run away.

Humphrey and Hercules sprinted home and reported the attempted attack to the police. Humphrey knows she’s lucky Hercules was there to protect her, but is still shaken by the incident. 

“To know he protected me … I am beyond grateful he did that,” Humphrey said about Hercules, who always knows when she is upset or afraid. /KHOU/

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Most Famous Dogs in History

Hachiko.- the most faithful dog in the world was an Akita dog born on a farm near the city of ÅŒdate, Akita Prefecture (Japan). He is remembered for his remarkable loyalty to his owner, which continued for more than nine years after his owner's death. His owner Hidesaburo Ueno, a professor at Tokyo University, was returning home each day via train. Everyday at the same time, Hachiko would wait for him at the Shibuya Station (train station), to greet him and accompany him home. The pair continued the daily routine until May 1925, when Ueno did not return. The professor had suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, while he was giving a lecture, and died without ever returning to the train station in which Hachiko would wait. But Hachiko kept returning to Shibuya Station for nine years thereafter, still waiting for his master to return at the exact time the train arrives. Hachiko died on March 8, 1935 at the age of 11 based on his date of birth. He was found on a street in Shibuya.
Laika.- one of the most famous dog we know of was Laika, the Soviet space dog, who became one of the first animals in space. Laika, was a stray dog from the streets of Moscow. In 1957 Laika was selected to be the occupant of the Soviet spacecraft Sputnik 2 that was launched into outer space. She was the first living being that traveled into space; but sadly, did not return alive, as the technology at the time did not allow for it. Laika died only a few hours after launch, 3 november 1957.
Nemo A534.- was was a German Shepherd dog who served in the U.S. Air Force during the Vietnam War. Nemo saved his owner’s Robert Thorneburg life by attacking 4 enemy gunmen, giving Thorneburg time to call for backup. He died in December 1972 at Lackland where his memorial kennels and stone stand today in his honor.
Balto.- was a black and white Siberian husky and sled dog, during a significant diphtheria epidemic in the Nome (Alaskan city) in the summer of 1924, Balto, along with other sled dogs raced across 650 miles of Alaskan wilderness to bring the diphtheria medication to Nome from Anchorage, (Alaska).Balto was named after the Sami explorer Samuel Balto. Balto died at March 14, 1933 (aged 14).

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Willy the Rescued Rottweiler

My name is Willy, I was raised on Treasure Island. This is where i learned to fish and dig in the sand, life was really good. My dad and I moved to Ohio and we fell on bad times. We lived in motels and he ended up in jail the summer of 2008. While he was in jail I was tied up outside for a month, I got really sick and prayed my dad would come back.He did come back, we were in a car accident and he went back to jail and so did I. I had been told I was diabetic and needed pokes to make me better. Now my bones hurt too from the accident. I was in jail then I ended up in a hospital. No one knew much about me except that I need pokes. I had lost everything. I could here peoples making telephone calls about me. Heard there might be a family that would take me.
Went for a ride and stayed at a place that had lots more guys like me. Then a lady picked me up and took me for another ride. I like riding, but was it ever going to end? I just kept praying for an angel to watch over me, then i met my new mom. We spent the night someplace that had tons of pillows. I was sick all night and kept having to go out. My mom was worried. I went to another hospital and they wished my mom luck. I needed to gain at least 25lbs.
Then another ride, except this was a little different. I was in the sky looking down at the cars, water, and boats. This is when life became good again. The next stop had a huge water bowl in the front yard and lots of sand, almost like home. My new dad took me for a boat ride just like old times. My new sister was not bad looking either. Neither was my human sister she can drive and takes me for rides. The old guy, well I was told I had to be careful of him. They needed me here you should have seen their yard before I came, I am an experienced landscaper. My mom is not real pleased when I help water her flowers, if I go in the pots it doesn't make a mess right?.

It's tought to sleep here. There are coyotes and loons up all night that I like to talk with. Finally, TV again and  a decend bed. They limit how much I watch. My dad does not realize how lucky he is that I take him fishing. I can catch the lures and lick the fish clean for him.

My new uncle Jim, who figured out I like to play nose ball.

Somedays I dont feel good and dont want to eat, my dad will cook for me, my mom sits with me on the floor.

Life got better, I tried to tell them about my old life, but we just don't communicate the same. Did you check out my physique? gained the 25lbs. My prayers were answered and there were lots of angles watching over me.


Saturday, January 21, 2017

Trending Dog Names of 2017

Trending dog names 2016
From year to year, the top trending dog name list, doesn’t change much, according to the reports classic traditional dog names remain the most popular names. Check out our list for most popular dog names for 2017, for those of you who want to find a cute, interesting or trending name for your new adopted dog, this is a great opportunity to get some ideas.
Top 10 Most Popular Male Dog Names :      


                                       Top 10 Most Popular Female Dog Names :


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