Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Dogs With The Most Unique Markings

They’ll certainly leave an impression on you once you see them, you can’t help but smile at how cute they are.Some of these markings are a result of a rare genetic conditions and put these dogs on another level of adorable. Here are some dogs with the most unique coats.
1.Colored Rottweiler
2.Australian Cattle Dog Mix

3.Boston Terrier
5.Akita Inu

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Rottweiler Bruno helped to save diabetic girl's life

Diabetic Devan Crawford, seven, was on the verge of a hypo – a seizure caused by low blood sugar – when Bruno sensed that she was in trouble.

He alerted Devan’s mum Karen by licking the little girl and sitting by her until she realised what was happening. Mum-of-two Karen yesterday hailed the three-year-old rottweiler a “lifesav

She said: “Devan is a type one diabetic and has to inject insulin twice a day.Bruno is very protective of her. He saved her life because he sensed she was about to hypo. She had just been released from hospital and had been really ill."
“She was lying on the couch and Bruno was all over her, watching her and pacing up and down and sitting by her side. He started licking her and managed to get my attention to go over and check on her.It is quite amazing he can sense things that humans cannot. It is thanks to Bruno that we got to her on time.”

Karen, 30, from Glenrothes, Fife, spoke out to highlight the gentler side of rottweilers as controversy rages over the breeding of a new “superdog” in Scotland.
The presweiler is a cross between a rottweiler and a rare Presa Canario. Its breeders came under attack from watchdogs and charities.
But Karen, who has had pure-bred Bruno since he was a pup and who owns four-year-old bulldog Bliss, said: “I think it is wonderful what they have done.They have created a beautiful breed of dog and there is no reason why they can’t get it recognised as a proper breed."

“I would take one in a shot if I didn’t already have two dogs. They will be amazing dogs and as long as they are treated right by their owners, they will make fantastic loving pets for any family.”
Karen also revealed her mum had at first been furious when she decided to get a rottweiler, saying she did not want one near her grandchildren.
She added: “That was three years ago and now they are best pals. She thinks the world of Bruno and her opinion of rottweilers has totally changed.
“I think it is totally unfair that rottweilers and Presas are branded devil dogs when it’s the owners to blame for their behaviour. You could say that about any dog who is mistreated and becomes aggressive.”

Friday, July 24, 2015

Hungry Rottweiler Puppies

Hungry Rottweiler Puppies

Video of some really cute Rottweiler puppies, they are really hungry and run to the food just after the owner serves it.

The cuttest thing is what happends after they finish the food... they fall asleep just right after it !!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Rottweiler refuses to eat shrimp

Amazing video that shows a Rottweiler who refuses to eat shrimp.

It is unbelievable how these dogs express their feelings, the Rottweiler at first wants to try the shrimp but then refuses it and while the owner wanted him to try he kept telling her no.

This dog seems to be really smart because it is reported that dogs may be allergic to shrimp, a lot of dogs don't like it.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Interesting facts about Rottweilers

Some interesting facts about Rottweilers that you might not have heard before...

Interesting facts about Rottweilers- The earliest Rottweiler standard allowed various coat colors including red, blue, grey and 'tiger striped'. White markings were also common.

- Rottweilers are slow to mature, and aren't usually considered adult until around 2 years of age. (Sometimes until around 3 years of age)

- The average life expectancy for a Rottweiler is somewhere between 7 and 10 years.

- Many Rotties 'talk'. It's a low, grumbling sort of sound - not to be confused with growling. I love it when mine do this, and it seems to me that it's a bit like a cat purring!

- Rottweilers shed a lot. They may have a short coat that looks like it's wash-n-wear, but don't let that fool you. You'll need to groom your Rottie regularly and loose dog hair will become a part of your life.

- The Rottweiler tendency to lean against people is a throw-back to the days when they were cattle drovers. They used to lean against the cattle to get them to move in a particular direction.

- Between the 12th and 29th Centuries the Rottweiler was also known as the 'Metzgerhund' or 'Butchers Dog' as he was used to protect the Butchers' money on trips to and from markets.

- Rotties are working dogs, and they're happiest when they have a job to do. Some activities that your dog can excel at include obedience, tracking, carting, and Schutzhund (a mixture of advanced obedience, protection and tracking.

- Rottweilers make great service dogs and many of them work as Police, Search & Rescue, Customs, Guide or Therapy dogs./a-love-of-rottweiler/

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Rottweiler saves the life of a 4-year-old boy attacked from pit bull

When a pit bull attacked 4-year-old John Heineman, a hero quickly came to the boy’s rescue.
Rottweiler savesFrankee the Rottweiler, was being walked by the boy’s brother, Cody Taylor. As the pit bull latched onto the boy’s arm and dragged him to the ground, Taylor screamed, “Get him!” and Frankee lunged at the pit bull, biting it in the ribs.

With Frankee launching a canine counterattack and Taylor punching and kicking it, the pit bull relinquished its grip on the boy. Taylor then called 911.

Taylor and Frankee live across town and just happened to be there at the time.

John received what police described as “serious injuries” in the attack, one of two unrelated pit bull attacks that occurred in the city on Thursday.                                                  

In the Temple Place attack, it appears the boy was reaching for a toy that was close to the animal, police said.
The pit bull was on a leash at the time, but the owner couldn’t prevent the attack or pry the dog’s jaws open as it clamped around the boy’s arm, Taylor said.

That dog was taken into custody and is being housed at the Humane Society for Greater Nashua, police said.

Police were uncertain whether charges would be filed. John is in the pediatrics unit at Southern New Hampshire Medical Center, recovering from surgery to repair extensive tissue damage to his arm, said the boy’s mother, Becky Healey.

Meanwhile, Frankee is being hailed as a hero, with neighbors bringing steaks and smothering him with praise and attention as news of the 11-month-old Rott’s heroic actions are spread via Facebook postings, said Debra Mitkus, Taylor’s legal guardian and Frankee’s proud owner.
John lost a lot of flesh in the attack, Taylor said.

“My little brother is a tough little kid,” he said.

“He’s holding very strong though all of it,” Healey said. “He’s a trouper.”
At home, Frankee, a pedigreed Rottweiler, acts like a big lapdog who gets bullied by the family cat. He’s well-trained and readily follows hand signals to sit and lie down.

But he has shown a protective instinct, never biting anyone, but positioning himself in front of kids if he feels roughhousing is getting a bit too rowdy, Mitkus said.
“I just love this dog to pieces,” Mitkus said.

Frankee – whose pedigree name is Franke E. Stein Von Birken Wald – is the third Rottweiler that Mitkus has owned. The ashes of her beloved first one, Baron, are kept in the kitchen.

“They say Rottys are so bad, but I’ve talked to people who wouldn’t own anything else,” Mitkus said.

Police told the family that the pit bull hadn’t had its shots. While Frankee is up to date on his, Mitkus is nonetheless concern about her dog’s health. She said she planned to call Frankee’s veterinarian just to make sure Frankee will be OK./

Friday, July 17, 2015

Rottweiler Carrying a tree stand !

A wonderful video that shows the strength of Rottweiler.
In this video from Youtube that has been shared a lot in recent weeks, you can see a powerful Rottweiler carrying a big tree stand.
 A video that shows the strength of the best guardian dog breed, Rottweiler.

This breed was created to be a strong but this is just amazing, having this much power from a dog it is really unbelievable.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Rottweiler causes baby a laugh attack !!

A fantastic video that shows the true nature of Rottweilers, such a loving and cute breed.

The Rottweiler named Brodie playing with her little friend a 6 month old baby, the cute baby laughs a lot when being licked by the Rottweiler.
 You can't help but laugh along with him when you watch this video...

Rottweiler Temperament

 Rottweiler Temperament with Children and Pets. 

 Rottweiler Temperament with Children and Pets. Rottweilers like children, especially if they're raised with them. When around children, especially young ones, they should be supervised because they are big and strong. 

They have a tendency to lean and push and can accidentally topple a toddler with a nudge, that's because of their cattle-driving heritage.

They are probably best suited to homes with older children who understand how to interact with dogs. 

It is important to supervise your dog any time your children have friends over. Rottweilers can be perturbed by loud or rough play between kids and may take steps to put a stop to it, not understanding that "his" children aren't in danger.


Always teach children how to approach and touch dogs, and always supervise any interactions between dogs and young children to prevent any biting or ear or tail pulling on the part of either party.

Teach your child not to approach dogs while he's sleeping or eating or to try to take the dog's food away. When Rottweilers are raised with other dogs and cats, they generally get along well with them. They may have issues with strange dogs or adult dogs that are introduced into the home, being intolerant of same-sex dogs but with training and guidance, they should accept new animals peaceably. 

The Symptoms of Cancer in Dogs

Symptoms of Cancer in Dogs1.What are some of the symptoms of cancer in dogs?
1.The signs of cancer in dogs are very similar to that in people. A lump or a bump, coughing and hard breathing, a wound that doesn’t heal, marked change on activity level, excessive thurst, any kind of swelling, enlarged lymph nodes, a lameness or swelling in the bone, abnormal bleeding, weight loss. 
Those are all classic signs. But sometimes there are little or no signs, at least early on. So any time an animal isn’t feeling well, or there’s something abnormal or not quite right, the owner needs to bring it to the attention of their veterinarian.
2.How common is cancer in dogs, and what are some of the common cancers found in dogs?
2.It has gotten to be pretty common, especially in older dogs. Fifty percent of dogs over the age of 10 develop cancer at some point. We see malignant lymphoma, which is a tumor of the lymph nodes. 
We see mast cell tumors, which is a form of skin cancer. There are mammary gland tumors, or breast cancer, and soft tissue sarcomas. We also see a fair amount of bone cancer in dogs.

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