If you have a dog and want to raise him well and healthy, you should follow these tips.>
1. Put fresh parsley in your dog's food to give them better breath.
2.If your dog gets loose, lie down and pretend to be injured instead of chasing him.
He will come back and make sure you're okay.
3.Know what your dog is trying to do with their body language.
4.Be sure that your dog will never get access to the below foods
5. Learn how to find a lost dog
6.When giving your dog a bath, put a shower cap on its head. This will protect his eyes from shampoo.
8.Use a plastic pitcher for dog food. It will keep the food fresh.
9.Learn dogs CPR
10. Keep your dog paws clean
#2 for sure. If I lay down, my rott rushes to lay on top of me. She's hilarious about that.
Awwww! That's adorable. I have a rott. I'll have to try that.
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