1. He brings you his favorite toy.- when your dog brings you his favorite toy, it's mean he thinks of you as a pack leader.
2. He loves sleeping with you at night.- If you own a dog you must know for sure the feeling of being numb in the morning because you slept only in a small corner of the bed.. well if your dog likes sleeping with you,it's a sign that she sees you as part of her pack.
3. She licks you in the face.- Mother dogs often lick their puppies face, licking you in the face is her way to show affection and that she really loves you.
5.Waging tail .- If he wags his tail to his right, you’re probably the human of his dreams.
6.He gets jealous.- Dogs get jealous of anything you pay attention to humans, other dogs or other pets.
7.They look you directly into your eyes.- when dogs look at you they’re trying to “hug you with their eyes.”
8.He is happy when you come home.- dogs lose their minds when reunited with their owners that's why your dog goes crazy every time you walk through the door.