Thursday, August 25, 2016

8 Things dogs do to prove they really love you

1. He brings you his favorite toy.- when your dog brings you his favorite toy, it's mean he thinks of you as a pack leader.
dogs favorite toy
2. He loves sleeping with you at night.- If you own a dog you must know for sure the feeling of being numb in the morning because you slept only in a small corner of the bed.. well if your dog likes sleeping with you,it's a sign that she sees you as part of her pack.
dog  sleeping
3. She licks you in the face.-  Mother dogs often lick their puppies face, licking you in the face is her way to show affection and that she really loves you. 
dog licks

4. He follows you everywhere.- means that wherever you are, that's where he wants to be.
dog follows
5.Waging tail .- If he wags his tail to his right, you’re probably the human of his dreams.
Dog Waging tail
6.He gets jealous.- Dogs get jealous of anything you pay attention to humans, other dogs or other pets.
jealous dog
7.They look you directly into your eyes.-  when dogs look at you they’re trying to “hug you with their eyes.”
look dog
8.He is happy when you come home.- dogs lose their minds when reunited with their owners that's why your dog goes crazy every time you walk through the door.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

10 Most important things you need to know to take care for your Dog

If you have a dog and want to raise him well and healthy, you should follow these tips.>
1. Put fresh parsley in your dog's food to give them better breath.
parsley dog
2.If your dog gets loose, lie down and pretend to be injured instead of chasing him.
He will come back and make sure you're okay.
dog lie down
3.Know what your dog is trying to do with their body language.
dogs body language.
4.Be sure that your dog will never get access to the below foods
dangerous foods for dogs
5. Learn how to find a lost dog
how to find lost dog
6.When giving your dog a bath, put a shower cap on its head. This will protect his eyes from shampoo.
 shower cap dog
7.Use baking soda to remove pee stains from your carpet.baking soda dog
8.Use a plastic pitcher for dog food. It will keep the food fresh.
plastic pitcher for dog
9.Learn dogs CPR
dogs CPR
10. Keep your dog paws clean
dog paws clean

Sunday, August 14, 2016

5 People foods that are dangerous for dogs

We are used to give food for our dogs under the table all the time, thinking that we spoil our little ones with good treats, but some peoples food can be very dangerous for them. If you are a dog owner, be sure that your dog will never get access to the below foods.
Chocolate.- contains a substance called Theobromine which is similar with caffeine and can cause heart attacks. If it is given in toxic doses causes agitation, diarrhea, seizures and even death in some cases.
Dogs Chocolate

Onions.-  are very toxic not only to dogs but cats, horses, sheeps also. They can damage red blood cells and also can cause hemolytic anemia.
Dog onions
Alcohol.- Such humans same dogs are very sensitive to alcohol. Drinking alcohol can cause symptoms ranging from vomiting to brain damage and even death.
Dog alcohol
Grapes.- are correlated with the development of kidney failure in dogs. However they
cause kidney damage for still unknown reason to us.
Dog grapes
Peach.-  After eating some peaches , your dog can experience a mild case of diarrhea or looser stools.
Dog peach

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Rottweiler rescues woman from burning van

Rottweiler rescuesA paralyzed paraplegic woman was rescued from her Rottweiler named Eve seconds before the van she was in exploded.

The cabin of the truck was beginning to fill with smoke, realizing that the truck could explode, she knew that she had to get further away. Vaughan began to panic, but suddenly realized that the Rottie had grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the truck.

She credits her dog Eve for pulling her from van moments before the van burst into flames. The dog dragged her until she was far enough and safe from the damages the explosion caused.

"When I arrived, the dog was pulling the lady through the grass, to get her away from the fire," said Trooper Mike Snider of the Indiana State Police.

Vaughn said the heroics were second nature for Eve, even though she hasn't special training for working with the handicapped. "That's the true nature of the Rottweiler," she said. "They're very loyal and loving and will take care of their owners at all cost". 
Eve was awarded with a ‘Stillman Award’ for her bravery./desertnews/.


Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Rottweiler Puppy and Orphaned Warthog Are Best Friends !

Rottweiler Puppy Warthog FriendshipA cute Rottweiler puppy named Nikita became the best friend of Piggy, an orphaned warthog. Piggy was one of three baby warthogs who arrived at Daktari, South Africa in 2014. A lady found the three warthog babies living in a drain near the road. She gave the babies warm milk, and left them where they were, hoping that the mother would come back but unfortunately the mother didn't came so the lady contacted Ian Merrifield, a co-founder of Daktari (a wildlife orphanage and school) to come and pick the warthogs up. 

Even though the people at the Daktari center gave the warthogs the best care, two of the warthogs died after arriving at the center, while the other warthog named Piggy surprisingly managed to survive.  A Rottweiler puppy at the center helped the people to take care of the warthog, the dog and the warthog became inseparatable. Even though the rescue was worried Piggy was too weak, Nikita the Rottweiler quickly nursed him back to health, despite being a puppy. The Rottweiler puppy Nikita even took a motherly role with Piggy. According to Ian, Nikita would stimulate Piggy's backside to help him do his business. 
Rottweiler Puppy Warthog Friendship
Fortunately after growing up Piggy was healthy enough to be released to a local game reserve last year, and despite their irreplaceable friendship, the shelter is happy to report that the warthog is thriving.                         
                        Rottweiler Puppy Warthog Friendship
"Piggy adapted well to his new home," says Ian. "Last we heard, he's doing great. The owner of the reserve will put kitchen scraps outside the fence and Piggy comes to gorge himself."/

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