Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The Symptoms of Cancer in Dogs

Symptoms of Cancer in Dogs1.What are some of the symptoms of cancer in dogs?
1.The signs of cancer in dogs are very similar to that in people. A lump or a bump, coughing and hard breathing, a wound that doesn’t heal, marked change on activity level, excessive thurst, any kind of swelling, enlarged lymph nodes, a lameness or swelling in the bone, abnormal bleeding, weight loss. 
Those are all classic signs. But sometimes there are little or no signs, at least early on. So any time an animal isn’t feeling well, or there’s something abnormal or not quite right, the owner needs to bring it to the attention of their veterinarian.
2.How common is cancer in dogs, and what are some of the common cancers found in dogs?
2.It has gotten to be pretty common, especially in older dogs. Fifty percent of dogs over the age of 10 develop cancer at some point. We see malignant lymphoma, which is a tumor of the lymph nodes. 
We see mast cell tumors, which is a form of skin cancer. There are mammary gland tumors, or breast cancer, and soft tissue sarcomas. We also see a fair amount of bone cancer in dogs.


My Champ had to be put down last month because of cancer we didnt know he had, broke our hearts, we miss him dearly. He was our only child, but we look forward to a new baby, not a replacement though, no new baby could ever replace our Champy ;(

My baby had breast cancer and survived. She died 2 years later from natural causes. She was a rottie.

Our Sarah just had her toe removed because of cancer. Thankfully she is now ok but it was a stressful time. She had been licking the toe for about 8 months and I told the owner but she was not our yet so I could not do anything. Amazingly she owners said Sarah had chosen to love our family and they gave her too us. We took her to the vet right away and now we will have her for many more years. So glad she is an amazing family member

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