Saturday, July 29, 2017

Most Famous Myths About Dogs

1.Dogs can see only black and white?.- recent studies suggest that Dogs actually do have some color vision but it's not as bright as a human's. Dogs can distinguish blue, yellow and gray colors. They can’t discern red and green, but they can distinguish shades of gray, what allows them to see in the dark and dusk.

2.Dogs eat grass only if they’re sick?.-
 Dogs will sometimes eat grass if they aren’t feeling well to induce vomiting. However, more often than not, dogs just like to eat grass. Dog ancestors used to feed on grass which is likely where their taste for greens came from.

3.Dogs Age Seven Years for Every Human Year?.- 
Saying that a 1 year old dog is 7 in dog years doesn't make sense when you consider that dogs can reproduce well before one year of age.

4.Dog mouths are cleaner than human mouths?.-  according to scientists, dogs have just as much bacteria in their mouths as a humans, but of different varieties.

5.Wagging tail is a sign of a happy dog?.- This is not always true, tail wagging can also be a sign of fear, anxiety or impending aggression.

6.Dogs should eat bones?.- It’s believed that eating bones dogs will get a lot of vitamin D and calcium, but in fact bones can injure intestines and cause bleeding, inflammation and severe constipation.

7.Dogs hate cats?.-  this myth is false and easy to disprove. Cats have a tendency to run, dogs have a prey drive and they chase smaller things that run.

8.A little chocolate won’t hurt my dog?.- Chocolate can be toxic and life-threatening to dogs. As little as 1 ounce of dark chocolate may be enough to kill a small dog.

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Rottweiler's Health

Rottweilers dogs are relatively healthy, and relatively disease-free dogs. As in most of large dog breeds, hip dysplasia can be a big problem.Various Rottweiler breed clubs have had x-ray testing regimes in place for many years.

Osteochondritis Dissecans, is a condition that affects the shoulder joints, it can be a problem due to the breed's rapid growth rate. 

A reputable breeder will have the hips and elbows of all breeding stock x-rayed and read by a recognised specialist, and will have paperwork to prove it.

They should also have certificates that their breeding animals do not have entropion or ectropion and that they have complete dentition with a scissor bite.

Another possible problem might be obesity, t
he best way to prevent obesity in dogs is keeping them active with excercises and to keep a good feeding schedule, do not ever over-feed your dog.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Heartbreaking Crying Rottweiler Grieves For Dead Brother

Brutus the Rottweiler grieves over the lifeless body of his dead brother Hank 
A heartbreaking video has emerged of a Rottweiler appearing to grieve over the body of his dead brother.
Brett Bennett from Washington State said his dog Brutus started 'crying' after learning that his sibling Hank had passed away during the night.

Indeed, video footage shows the pooch sad with watery eyes as he lies on top of his brother's lifeless torso. Bennett attempts to comfort Brutus with some loving strokes. The latest photograph uploaded online shows Hank lying on a beach in happier times.
Bennett said that the deceased pet was 'larger than life' and 'extraordinary'.He added: '[Hank] was a protector of my family and a great brother to Brutus. Hank will be missed and never forgotten.Hank passed away on January 20 in his sleep. After being examined by vets he was determined to be approximately ten years old.


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